Every Tuesday, I post a teaser for one of my current works in progress. I invite all of my writer buddies to join in!
The rules:
Post a link, image, quote, or excerpt related to or taken from your current WIP.
State the name of the WIP.
Do NOT explain yourself! Resist the urge to wax poetic. This is a hint, not an outline.
No Cage for a Crow
Did you draw this?
It’s remotely possible. MR Graham cannot colour or shade to save her life, but her line art is middling enough that it’s not a complete embarrassment! 8D
Roll a Ball
O_O How very cryptic!
It may be a while before there’s any actual story involved in anything like this. At the moment it mostly just rolls.
Nice line art. 🙂 LOL, I think I’m like one behind you one these because I forgot to post when I was sick, http://noreecosper.blogspot.com/2016/02/tuesday-teaser-4.html
That’s why I have already scheduled mine through March! I said I was going to post every darn week, and so I shall!