Real Vampires Get Knocked Down, but They Get Up Again (You’re Never Gonna Keep Them Down)

Yes, I think this pretty much sums up my feelings. I’m all for the death-by-impalement – it’s reciprocal penetration, destroying the penetrator by turning its own symbolism against it and thus denying its power both sexual and lethal – but… scary vampires are better. I mean, walking allegory, hello. What’s… Continue reading

Review – Eyes of the Seer / Rebirth of the Seer (Peter Dawes)

I’ll just pop these two into one post, shall I? I’ll start with Eyes of the Seer, the first book in Peter Dawes’ Vampire Flynn Trilogy. (As I understand it, the trilogy has recently been expanded. While ‘series’ is not quite as poetic as ‘trilogy’, it is also the mark of a… Continue reading