Diversity – with Carmen Fox

Carmen Fox REPRESENTATION MATTERS – Fiction without boundaries I’m white, have no major disability to speak of, I don’t belong to any religion, and I’m as straight as a ruler. What do I know about diversity, right? I have never been stopped for driving while being black, haven’t had the… Continue reading

Representation Matters.

Representation matters. I’m sure you’ve heard that before, reader, whether the statement is personally meaningful to you or not. If it is, please take this as an expression of solidarity. If it is not, please take this as a window into someone else’s reality. This is going to be the… Continue reading

Virtual Book Fair Booth: The Medium by M.R. Graham

I am a participant in The Virtual Book Fair. The event is live November 12-21. For more information, check out the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/927569970656592/ or just head over to The Virtual Book Fair page right here on the blog! Welcome, and thanks for visiting. I’m M.R. Graham, author of the… Continue reading

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas…

Dear readers, it is a time for gifts and giving. Elizabeth Barone has assembled a questionable posse of gift-giving authors, including myself. Take a look at what they have to offer. I received something unexpected, this Christmas season, and if you’ll read all the way to the end, I have… Continue reading

The Great Con Post

This gallery contains 36 photos.

I came, I saw, I AggieCon’quered. It was my intention to do daily AggieCon posts, but I think I overestimated my stamina. I smiled, and I talked to people, and it was just more than I could take; I passed out pretty much as soon as the dealer’s room closed… Continue reading